We ask the waiter in the restaurant who owned the castle across the lake. It was Herr Handel.
"And what does Herr Handel do for a living?" Tom asked.
"He sells pork," the waiter said. "Lots of pork."
It's the first day of summer and it is raining in Vienna. After a few days of roaring heat, I like the rain better. Sam and Sarah have come and gone. I miss them.
Tom is off buying a Polaroid printer. It prints digital photos right from your camera , 2 x 3 inches. Perfect for little scrapbooks. I was going to go with him, but then just before we left, I said, "Now you know where this place is?"
"I think so, " he said.
I've been using a cane for a couple of weeks and "I think so" isn't good enough. Crippled people don't like "looking for a place" on foot. I'm not complaining. I'm just saying.
So sorry you are "crippled" :(
Admittedly, I have been here a few times the past couple of days...
I am writing a novel based on that castle and I am not even kidding. I know nothing about it. I just saw it from a boat once. I'm tempted to ask you what more you know about it. Then again, I'm tempted to remain in ignorance and fictionalize everything to my heart's content.
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