Thursday, September 3, 2009

I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon

And I have to come in fasting. So I'm sitting here sipping cold water. I'd really like some of those mixed berries in the fridge and a bowl of Cheerios and maybe a small handful of chocolate chips for dessert. My kind of breakfast.

I will be tested for cholesterol and blood pressure and diabetes and thyroid. Maybe, he'll ask me if I can subtract sevens from one-hundred and who is president. Can I balance on one leg? Can I touch my nose with my eyes closed?

Today, I will pass all the tests.


Sarah said...

Good luck! I will send high-HDL-and-low-LDL thoughts in your general direction.

whirligigdaisy said...

Tests. I hate tests. Yes, all of them.

W Vawd said...

Hey Louise,
It'your cousin Wendy. This is less of a comment and more of a question. Dave and I are fostering two teenage brothers who love to be read to at night. I'm looking for some great books that are inspirational. Newberry Award Winning books would be great as well as some unknowns. I know you are constantly reading and I thought you would be a good resource. they really respond well to movies like 'Forever Strong'. You can email at

erica spelman said...

wow, your exam sounds more like a DUI test!! (I don't know from personal experience, but COPS shows a lot of them...)