Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I'm slumming through my i-photos when I find this picture of Charles and the too too adorable Harrison (and me) slumming behind American Towers.  Just to the left of Charles is a door that leads into a building that faces Main Street.  Up two flights is an apartment  that has a huge window overlooking the street.  I was gah gah for that apartment.  But where we're standing would have been the entrance.  The Main Street side has a store of some kind.  I have always wanted to live above a store.  In fact, I love this entrance.  There's a bohemian inside of me, but I rarely let her see the light of day. Tom loved it too.  Is there anywhere we WOULDN'T like to live?

I'm guessing this photo is about six years old.


ann cannon said...

The years go by but the beautiful smile remains the same. You're so photogenic, Louise!

Erica said...

a picture treasure

Tom Plummer said...

Ah, yes, there are some places I would not like to live-and neither would you. Didn't Charles have an office in this building? Yes. Was it up the first long flight of stairs or up the second?

Louise Plummer said...

I think Charles was up the first flight and there was an apartment on the second and the third floors. No elevator.