Friday, September 26, 2008

Weight update

This is not me.  I'm taller.  I'm grayer.  But I've lost 35 lbs.  Only 15 lbs to go.  I do have some "before" pictures but I don't want to gross out the grandkids, or anyone else for that matter


C. C. Fawson said...

Bravo! Now for some tight new clothes to show off that figure and a G-string bikini to where to the pool.

dede said...

Congratulations! That is awesome. Be Proud!

Rachel said...

These pictures remind me of the LandsEnd real-life model you can create on their website. Maybe it is? A friend of ours in Boston decided to create her own and choose the name "Fatty-Fat-Fat" to her astonishment it said "Sorry that name has already been chosen, may we suggest FattyFatFat8?"